YPEC have been commissioned by Ladywood and Perry Barr locality partnership to deliver the best start in life (BSiL) program. The BSiL Health Hack programme focuses on the helping to reduce risk of maternal poor health and higher infant mortality. Birmingham currently has higher than average rates of infant mortality. This programme is part of a wider strategy to address this public health concern.
Health Hacks aim to transform the life chances of mothers and fathers-to-be and their future children by educating, inspiring and equipping young people with the information they need to give their babies the ‘Best Start in Life’, and to spread the word within their school and local community as student leaders.
Health Hacks also helps to address subjects covered statutory Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

InsightNow and YPEC CIC were commissioned by Birmingham Public Health to conduct a research project that would provide analysis and evidence for the development of the Infant Mortality Strategy that is aiming to reduce infant deaths in Birmingham.
Birmingham has a high rate of infant mortality (7.3 per 1,000 live births) compared to England (4.6 per 1,000 live births.)
There is a concern that infant mortality rates will remain high and whereas in other areas this is beginning to change, this has not been the case across Birmingham. Birmingham has a particular set of circumstances that have led Public Health to develop a new approach to working with communities.

YPEC were commissioned to recruit and train women from targeted communities to:
Acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to undertake qualitative research i.e. Engaging and maintaining conversation on a chosen topic.
Enable and facilitate conversations with other women within their community
Be able to act as a link between BCC Commissioner and their community from which they live
Be able to act as a community resource, engaging with public services e.g. Council, NHS services, by sharing views of the community and facilitating a two-way conversation.

YPEC were commissioned as a third party on the fast track cities project.
The purpose of this initiative was to ensure availability and access to effective testing and treatment to significantly reduce and therefore eradicate new cases of Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs); HIV, Hep B, Hep C and recently including Tuberculosis (TB). The aim was to strengthen communities and ensure timely provision of services that support the population living with these conditions, without prejudice and stigma.
This work was to support Birmingham’s Needs Assessment deep dive into the needs of these communities and support the Health and Social Care System, and wider partners too.
better understand the needs of people living with or impacted by HIV, TB, and hepatitis to effectively commission and target resources in the right place,
Identify the needs of the Birmingham population as it pertains to HIV, Hep B, Hep C and TB,
Consider the needs of people pre-exposure, once infected but not diagnosed, once diagnosed and in treatment, and consider the wider needs of those they have close personal relationships with,
Help us understand current testing and treatment pathways.
Understand additional prevention activity required for all citizens to enable the delivery of the Fast-Track Cities vision by 2030,
Support Birmingham in its ambition to have zero new transmissions by 2030 and provide Birmingham City Council with the key information required to ensure effective, targeted, and necessary public health interventions are in place for BBV’s and TB.
Identify which areas and demographics in the city are at a higher risk of exposure and in higher need whilst also understanding the varying needs of these groups.
Understand the interconnections in services and support between Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull for people living with, and affected by HIV, Hepatitis and TB.

YPEC were commissioned to review the current RSE reward structure within Derbyshire.

YPEC have been commissioned by Croydon Council to to gain a greater understanding of children and young people’s views and opinions on a range of health and wellbeing topics. This is being carried out using a mix of surveys and focus groups.

YPEC was commissioned by Birmingham Public Health to raise awareness of various Vaccinations with Birmingham and also deliver training to the community.
Birmingham has generally witnessed lower than average vaccination uptake across England, with the Covid-19 pandemic further decreasing these uptake levels. Vaccination continues to be an important part of the safer behaviours needed to keep people safe especially following the Commonwealth Games. In response to this, Birmingham city council is currently implementing the Vacc-immune project to improve vaccine confidence and uptake of all vaccines across the life course.
The project engaged with local communities on a face-to-face basis to increase understanding of the benefits of immunisation/vaccination, counter mis/disinformation and restore public confidence in health/public services. Community Vaccination Awareness Training was for all professionals to support the cascading of key health vaccination messages to local communities.